Professional Services
Boundary Surveys | Construction Staking | Topographical Surveys | Land Divisions
Construction Staking
Mark corners, property lines, stakeout buildings, wells, and just about anything needed for a building. The end result is to be used by a contractor or home owner to build whatever they may have in mind and be certain that it meets any setback requirements and stays safe on the property.
Land Division
The end result is a certificate of survey showing the boundary of the property and the new divisions. All of the corners will be marked in the field and legal descriptions written for the new parcels.
Topographic Surveying
The end product of a site plan is typically a drawing of the property and the corners marked in the field. What is shown on the drawing is really dependent on the project you have in mind. Most often any visible improvements are shown. Site plans are very discussion oriented surveys. In other words, surveying and digital mapping are mainly used to produce site plans and topographic maps for engineers and architects to have an accurate design base.
ALTA Survey
An ALTA Survey is a comprehensive boundary survey that is performed to nationally recognized standards, as adopted by the American Land Title Association (ALTA) and the National Society of Professional Surveyors (NSPS). Considered the “gold standard” an ALTA Survey can provide a wealth of information including but not limited to parcel boundaries, improvements, easements, rights-of-way, encroachments, access, zoning, etc.
Elevation Certificate
When dealing with flood insurance, FEMA has a flood elevation certificate form. The form reports the elevation information about the property relative to a base flood and requires a surveyor's certificate for part of the information.